October 09, 2007

A little breathing room

Phew... it's been a while since I had some time to just rest. Since school started, it's been a non-stop whirlwind ride. I've been so swamped with school work that I haven't had any room to breathe. It's so nice to finally have a long weekend, to just ... relax.

Stuff I had to do/on my mind/to do list: design project, school work, job applications, and grad school applications. I'm no where near clearing my plate. I might as well change my permanent address to the ugsparc computer lab from now on.

At least this Thanksgiving long weekend provided a little relief. In the hustle and bustle, I should stop and think about everything I am thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

1 comment

Anonymous said...

welcome back to UofT!