I'm going to try an experiment. For one full week, that is between Mon. Mar. 27 - Sun. Apr. 2, I am NOT going to use Facebook. No wall-writing, no messages, no friend-confirmations, no stalking, no nothing.
It'll be a cool challenge to test my self-control. I have 6 important interviews this week, so what better time than now. I did the 30-Hour Famine a couple years back, but I have the feeling this will be even harder than that. MSN Messenger, you're next.
March 27, 2006
Facebook fasting
Posted by
7:58 p.m.
March 19, 2006
Skule Nite 0T6
Another awesome year of the Skule Nite show! I saw it yesterday and I'd say it was well worth the $10 and 3 hours of my afternoon. I pity the fool who missed it. Hilarious as always. Although I did think it had a bit too many penis jokes. It wasn't like last year's "one-giant-story", but rather a series of sketches that commented on/connected with previous ones in small ways, which was a nice touch. The musical numbers were great too, especially the Indian one.
I went with a non-engineering friend, and I'm not sure exactly how much of the jokes she actually got. The more funny ones were general enough for everybody, but an inside-joke is always a good laugh. Another great thing about it is seeing your friends and the people you know on stage. Their hard work really showed. Great job guys!
End post with one of the funniest skits:
"I speak 18 languages: C, C++, Perl, Python, .. Polish, reverse Polish....
so if you equals equals interested,
call me ... "
p.s. thanks for the Godiva chocolates Elena!
Posted by
11:59 p.m.
Got Comment?
March 07, 2006
The holiest iPod in the world
I thought this was really cool.
The Pope just got a 2GB iPod nano; preloaded with the Vatican podcasts. Who knew they made weekly podcasts? and the fact that the Pope, who stands for conservative and all traditional views, would have an iPod is pretty funny and awesome at the same time. I wonder what his playlist is like ....
Good to see him join the party with the exlusive list of big-time 'celebrities' like George W. Bush and Queen Elizabeth who also own iPods.
Posted by
1:33 a.m.