January 27, 2006
Liver damage report, stat!
It's been a pretty long while since I posted an entry. This would be my first since starting the new term. As you might have guessed, I have been quite occupied. But not in the sense I usually tend to use that word. I can actually say many non-academic things have been on my plate in the last little while. I feel like this will turn into a long entry, so I'm gonna make the reading somewhat easier by highlighting the main theme of the paragraph.
Ok so, let's see.... first week back to Skule was Godiva Week (ERTW!). It was hella fun, especially the Chariot Race. I missed a couple of the big events, but I still managed to hang out in the Atrium so much that I drank for 6 days in a row; something I've never done before. Don't get me wrong, the amount consumed each day wasn't big, but by the end I was beat!
The second week was burned up entirely by interviews. I had 3 interviews with ATI for various 16 months PEY positions. All 3 positions are hardware ASIC related. I'm actually surprising bad at these interviews. This came as a real shock to me, but I really suck at answering technical questions, under the spotlight. My inability to correctly solve simple questions really jabbed my confidence, and ultimately now my chances of landing the job. I have a few interviews with Actel this coming week, so hopefully I will do much better.
This past Saturday was UTEK (University of Toronto Engineering Kompetition). I chose to help in organizing this event. Our team of 9 had to go through grueling 8am meetings every week since Sept. to sleepless last-minute preparations, all to hold this one-day annual event. To sum the day up, it was hectic as hell and many things could have gone a lot smoother. In the end, it was a success. I feel quite bad for Rob, the chair of UTEK. The night before, he had to change a flat tire at 2am in the raining morning; during the day of, he lost his laptop which contained 3 years worths of work that wasn't backed up, and Jose's wallet was stolen too; and to top it off, he practically emptied his bank account in preparation for this (which will be reimbursed of course). However, our big feast afterwards paid-for by the Alumni office, made all the grumbling and the stress worth it. Good times that night.
Last but not least, my school work. This term has been quite easy-going. So far, my hands haven't done the dirty business with my textbooks yet, and I've been wasting an incredible amount of time watching season 1 of ROME. Wow... that show is sooo good, I can honestly say: the best dramatic TV series, ever.
I will try to update my blog more often, so as to not make such a big void in my archives.
January 08, 2006
A new term
So tomorrow starts another term. The 3rd year Spring term. After a 2 and a half week break, I feel ready and excited to go back now.
The downer is last term's marks are posted and boy, are they disgusting. The lowest average ever since coming to university. I was expecting low marks, but still, to actaully see it scripted in my record, it's a different story. And I just realized how much this will hurt my chances of admission into grad school. When applying next year, the marks they'll look at is obviously the 3F and 3S terms.
Therefore, this means I must perform almost flawlessly this time to balance last term's Quasimodo of a mark. I do feel this term looks easier than last. The courses sound interesting and I'm excited for another run at Skule. Here's my timetable:
January 02, 2006
Happy New Year!
May 2006 bring everyone happy times and lots of blessings.
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4:46 p.m.